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Management’s review
Review and results
Portfolio management of the Resolution Fund and the Deposit Guarantee Fund
Group structure
Bank Package activities
Deposit Guarnatee Fund
Resolution Fund
Resolution Fund (continued)
Significant risks
Corporate governance
Corporate social responsibility
Financial statements
Income statement and comprehensive income statement
Balance sheet, assets
Balance sheet, equity and liabilites
Statement of changes in equity
Cash flow statement
1. Accounting policies
2. Segment information for the Group
2. Segment information for the Group - continued
3. Segment information for the parent company
4. Interest income
5. Interest expense
6. Fees and commissions
7. Market value adjustments
8. Other operating income
9. Staff costs and administrative expenses
10. Other operating expenses
11. Impairment losses on loans, advances and receivables, etc.
11. Impairment losses on loans, advances and receivables, etc. – continued
11. Impairment losses on loans, advances and receivables, etc. – continued
12. Income from investments in associates and subsidiaries
13. Tax
14. Due from credit institutions and central banks
15. Loans, advances and other receivables
16. Bonds at fair value etc.
17. Shares, etc.
18. Investments in associates
19. Investment properties
20. Purchase price adjustment (earn-out)
21. Other provisions
22. Contingent assets and liabilities
23. Financial risk management
24. Related parties
25.Group overview
25. Group overview
26. Break-down of balance sheet items by contractual and expected terms to maturity
26. Break-down of balance sheet items by contractual and expected terms to maturity – continued
27. Fair value disclosure
27. Fair value disclosure – continued
28. Fair value of balance sheet items at amortised cost
29. Return on financial instruments
30. Finansiel Stabilitet 2018-2022
30. Finansiel Stabilitet 2018-2022 – continued
Statement by Management
Independent auditors’ report
Board of Directors and Management Board
Company details