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Corporate social responsibility

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Corporate social responsibility
Finansiel Stabilitet is required to contribute to ensuring financial stability in Denmark. This objective is achieved in part by preventive measures, including the establishment of a resolution fund, preparation of resolution plans and identification of any obstacles, and in part specifically by restructuring and resolving failing banks. In periods of financial turmoil, a sense of security for the continuation of significant critical infrastructure is ensured when it is in the interest of the general public.
In crisis management, focus is on minimising losses on assets taken over, minimising costs payable out of public funds and contributing to ensuring stability in a broader context. Stability in a broader context is ensured in terms of winding up by Finansiel Stabilitet adapting the disposal of activities to prevailing market conditions.
Moreover, Finansiel Stabilitet aims for business with the Group’s customers taken over from failing banks to continue under the auspices of other banks to the extent possible or under the auspices of purchasers who are obliged to manage the customers in accordance with the Executive Order on good business practice for financial undertakings.
Finansiel Stabilitet furthermore has a tax policy that sets out the framework for its conduct in relation to the sale of tax assets of subsidiaries. Finansiel Stabilitet is required, in the interests of any creditors or other stakeholders, to consider the value of any tax assets in connection with the resolution of failing institutions. At the same time, focus is on ensuring expedient handling from a social perspective.
Finansiel Stabilitet and its subsidiaries live up to their responsibility as employers, business partners and consumers of natural resources. The approach is based on activities being conducted in a manner that will minimise any negative environmental, social, human rights and anti-corruption impacts.
Finansiel Stabilitet has defined its principles in a CSR policy. As part of its CSR efforts, Finansiel Stabilitet will sign up to relevant recognised standards, including the principles and guidelines defined by the UN.
Finansiel Stabilitet wants to contribute to a good and challenging working life for the employees during their employment. Finansiel Stabilitet’s corporate culture is based on open, proper and equal dialogue with emphasis on measures of individual freedom under accountability and common sense. At the same time, Finansiel Stabilitet focuses on continuous skills enhancement for its employees in the form of courses and other relevant supplementary training.
Finansiel Stabilitet has combined the guidelines in a code of conduct, which is available on Finansiel Stabilitet’s website. These guidelines provide clarity as to Finansiel Stabilitet’s position on independence, conflicts of interest, etc.
The staff is adjusted on an ongoing basis in relation to the scope of work. In 2022, Finansiel Stabilitet had 41 employees on average, which is unchanged from the level in 2021.
Gender composition of Management
Finansiel Stabilitet strives to achieve relevant diversity in terms of e.g. age and gender at the Group’s management levels. Against this background, Finansiel Stabilitet has adopted a policy on diversity and balanced gender composition on the Group’s boards of directors and other management levels. This policy is available on Finansiel Stabilitet’s website.
In terms of gender composition, the ambition is for either gender to hold at least one third of the seats on the boards of directors. Of Finansiel Stabilitet’s seven board members, three are women and four are men.
Of the three board members of the subsidiaries Broinstitut I A/S, Broinstitut II A/S, FS Finans I A/S, FS Finans II A/S, FS Finans III A/S, FS Finans IV A/S, FS Finans V A/S, FS Finans VI A/S and FS Ejendomsselskab A/S, one is female and two are male. Accordingly, Finansiel Stabilitet meets its target for boards of directors.
The Company also aims to ensure an appropriate gender composition at the Group’s other management levels. The Group’s employees should feel that they have the same career opportunities and opportunities to be considered for management positions, regardless of gender. The gender composition of Finansiel Stabilitet’s general management is two female and three male members. Finansiel Stabilitet thus meets its gender composition target for the general management.
Finansiel Stabilitet is focused on gender composition in connection with its employment and recruitment procedures.
Business partners and suppliers
The Company is focused on using suppliers who comply with applicable and relevant standards in the specific area. This applies e.g. to the property area in connection with completion of properties and projects taken over by Finansiel Stabilitet from failing banks or on enforcement of collateral. Finansiel Stabilitet will use labour clauses in new building and construction contracts irrespective of the contract amount in order to ensure that work is performed in accordance with Danish remuneration and employment terms.
Environmental and climate impact
Regardless of the relatively limited effect, Finansiel Stabilitet continually seeks to limit environmental and climate effects in the performance of its activities. Finansiel Stabilitet furthermore makes efforts to measure environmental impacts and define targets for reducing any negative consequences.  
Data ethics
In performing its activities, Finansiel Stabilitet seeks to support a high level of data ethics. Finansiel Stabilitet does not actively process data or use algorithms for data analyses in excess of what is to be expected in the conduct of the Company’s central tasks. In order to ensure transparency and reliability in terms of data processing, Finansiel Stabilitet is in the process of drawing up a data ethics policy which reflects the relatively simple use of data in the Company.