- Nyheder
- Afviklingsformuen
- Garantiformuen
- Bankpakke I-V
- Gældsrådgivning
- Statsgarantier
Om os
- Om Finansiel Stabilitet
- Ledelse Fold ud
- Koncern Fold ud
- Salg af aktiver og ejendomme Fold ud
- Koncernstrategi Fold ud
- Selskabsforhold Fold ud
- Lønpolitik Fold ud
- Politik for mangfoldighed og sammensætning af mænd og kvinder i koncernen Fold ud
- Code of Conduct Fold ud
- Politik for Samfundsansvar Fold ud
- Politik for dataetik Fold ud
- Regelgrundlag Fold ud
- Klagevejledning Fold ud
- Whistleblowerordning Fold ud
- Kontakt
- Kunder
- English
Finansiel Stabilitet at a glance
Finansiel Stabilitet is an independent public company owned by the Danish State through the Danish Ministry of Industry, Business and Financial Affairs.
The objectives of Finansiel Stabilitet are to:
- contribute to ensuring financial stability in Denmark;
- handle the responsibilities and powers assigned to it
pursuant to the Act on Restructuring and Resolution of
Certain Financial Enterprises; - handle its responsibilities and powers assigned to it pursuant
to the Act on a Depositor and Investor Guarantee
Scheme; and - handle any other responsibilities and powers assigned to it pursuant to legislation or by the Minister for Industry, Business and Financial Affairs.
Finansiel Stabilitet’s business areas comprise the remaining Bank Package I-V activities, the Guarantee Fund and the Resolution Fund, but with a statutory requirement for the separate management of the assets of the individual segments. Finansiel Stabilitet is not liable for the Guarantee Fund or the Resolution Fund, and these are only liable for their own obligations and liabilities.